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Flange Adapters

Some waveguide sizes have more than one standard flange that is used. Component manufacturers do not always agree on which flange style is best. Flange Adapter Sections can be used to couple two waveguide components that have been supplied with non-matching flanges. The Flange Adapter Sections listed here will solve the most mismatched component problems. Since this becomes an extra component in the waveguide line, we have kept the length to a minimum. All parts are made from copper, electroformed parts are available upon request.

Technical Specs
WR Frequency (GHz) Insertion Loss (dB) A DIM (in) B DIM (in) Length (in) Flange 1 Flange 2
28 26.5 - 40 0.03 0.2800 0.1400 1.5 S 0.750 R 1.125

Ordering Example: FA28RS is a flange adapter in WR28 going from a Square flange to a Round flange.